Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Avocado –large amounts of avocado can be dangerous for dogs. Why? Avocados contain persin, that may be harmless for non-allergic people, but can be toxic to dogs.
Dairy products – Never ever feed them with products that contain milk. Dairy products cause diarrhea and food allergies. Foods sweetened with xylitol – Among these foods are candies, gums and so on. Xylitol, which is safe for us, can be a real risk for your pets. It can increase the insulin amount in your dog’s body and cause blood sugar drop. It can also badly affect the liver.
Chocolate – What makes every type of chocolate dangerous to dogs is theobromine. It can cause to serious digesting problems. Other risks include abnormal heart rhythm, muscle tremors and even pet death. Dark chocolate, chocolate mulch and unsweetened baking chocolate are the most risky types.
Onions and garlic – Both onions and garlic (in every possible form) can destroy your dog’s blood cells and lead to anemia. Symptoms include vomiting, breathlessness and indifference to food. (Can a healthy pet ever “ignore” food? Definitely no.)
Raw meat/fish/eggs – All these raw foods contain bacteria that can cause poisoning. Besides poisoning, raw eggs can cause skin problems too. Raw fish can cause “fish disease,” symptoms include fever, vomiting and lymph nodes. Trust me it can be fatal and can lead to pet death. If you want to feed your pet with fish, take care it’s completely cooked.
Consider the risks of these foods, and keep your healthy pet as far from them as possible – it’s a difficult but never an impossible task for an attentive and caring pet owner.

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